Brace 2 Race Knieorthesen 2024 an BORD

Apr. 9, 2024

Wir sind Glücklich Brace to Race im World Champion Team dabei zu haben.

Im Jahr 2023 wurde Martin mit BRACE 2 RACE Weltmeister und auch in der neuen Saison setzt Martin auf die

Individual Fit Technology der Knierorthesen von Brace to Race.

Habt Ihr Probleme oder wollt ihr eure Kniee vor Schäden schützen, dann meldet euch bei uns.

We are excited to present you with a unique opportunity to expand your product range with our custom-made premium knee braces. Our company specializes exclusively in the production of knee braces, made 100% to order using cutting-edge technology and scientific advancements.

Our braces are crafted from high-strength composite materials and premium titanium, offering the highest level of knee protection. They feature an exoskeleton design that ensures a comfortable fit without any pressure points, while being light, strong, compact, reliable, and functional.

We offer a 3-year warranty on the entire structure and its elements, including free replacement of all parts and service repair. Our customer service is available 24/7 throughout Europe at no charge. The price for our premium knee braces includes all types of work and services, with no hidden fees.

We would be delighted to collaborate with you and provide your customers with the next generation of customer service.